Russia Probe
Sarah Sanders
In the video, Sarah uses both pathos and logos.
She uses pathos by trying to persuade the audience that the Russia Probe was the fault of Trump. SHe claims that Russian's interfered with Trump's campaign. I believe she was a bit uneasy and agitated which caused her to focus on this subject a bit more than she should have. She was being a bit biased because she is in favor of Trump, his decisions, and his campaign.
Tomi Lauren
As Sarah was being biased in her video, so was Tomi. She was not in favor of Trump. Tomi uses pathos to explain that "we" are tired of waiting time on the Russain investigation. Her use of pathos, in my opinion, was greatly executed. She presented the opinions of many Americans in reference to the Russia Probe. She also states that taxpayers are paying too much money to fund the investigation. Tomi did use logos in the video which lead me to believe she had no logistical and/or statistical evidence to support her claim.
Mark Mazzetti
Like Sarah, Mark heavily relied on logos. Mark believes that a drunken rant from George Papadopoulos is what kicked off the Russia Probe investigation.
Matt Apuzzo
Matt used logos in his argument in which he used information from leaked emails. These emails included information about the Russian involvement in the Trump campaign. The use of logos in his argument deemed it credible as he had proof. He then backed up his argument with ethos by belittling Papadopoulos's intelligence, in which (assumably), many people agreed with.
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