College is a waste of time

"I believe higher education is broken."
This sentence is the thesis in paragraph 1. The sentence is highly debatable. Because he states "I believe", confirms that the thesis is an opinion of his. Anything other than a fact is debatable.

The first piece of evidence comes from the 4th paragraph and it states;"College is expensive. The College Board Policy Center found that the cost of public university tuition is about 3.6 times higher today than it was 30 years ago, adjusted for inflation.", I which the author cited from the book, Academically Adrift.  Another piece of evidence also comes from the 4th paragraph and is also cited from  the book, Academically Adrift, which states that "36 percent of college graduates showed no improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning, or writing after four years of college."
 The author of this piece provided evidence from a statistic study and also a social study that was performed by sociology professors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa.

In paragraph 7, the author provides several alternatives. He states that students should take their learning outside and beyond the classroom. He believes that people started their own projects, organizations, and business, people would better understand life beyond school and " improve the human condition". he also believes that society should conform to the "norms" of life like technology, because the internet is replacing the ability to signal potential employers. 

 We who take our education outside and beyond the classroom understand how actions build a better world.  The author restates his thesis but provides a deeper explanation. He believes "We will change the world regardless of the letters after our names."


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